A man has been charged with carrying drugs and being abusive in Weymouth.

Officers from Dorset Police detained and searched a man on Radipole Lane at Souhtill following a report of a 'disturbance' in the area at around 7pm on Saturday, June 8

During the search class B drugs were found and a further search of a vehicle took place.

An eyewitness described seeing a police van and car with about six officers carrying out the search using torches and going through bags in Southill car park.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police "Dorset Police received a report at 6.53pm on Saturday 8 June 2024 of a man causing a disturbance in Radipole Lane in Weymouth. Officers attended and the man was detained and searched. Further searches were carried out of a vehicle.

"A 46-year-old man from the Sherborne area was subsequently charged with possession of a controlled drug of class B and using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress."

The man is due to appear at Weymouth Magistrates' Court on Thursday, June 27.