A vape was confiscated from a boy by police officers patrolling the streets of Bridport.

The Bridport Neighbourhood Policing Team was out patrolling Bridport town centre and came across several groups of youths - one of which was found to be in possession of a vape.

Officers confiscated the vape and contacted the boy's parents who came to collect him. 

Officers also took the opportunity to engage with the groups of youths about the anti-social behaviour reports the police receives and the effect it has on the wider public and the consequences that come with it.

A spokesperson for Bridport police said: "Bridport Neighbourhood Policing Team spent majority of yesterday's evening on foot patrol in Bridport town centre, covering St. Mary's Playing Field, Borough Gardens, Millennium Green and the Spar shop.

"Whilst we were out we came across many groups of young people. We spoke to them about the anti-social behaviour reports we receive, the effect ASB has on others, actions we may have to take if we come across it and the consequences that come with it.

"One underaged male was found in a possession of a vape, which was confiscated; his parents were contacted and spoken by officers and consequently he was collected by them.

"Local officers are aware of the anti-social behaviour hot-spots and will ensure to keep an eye on the area to safeguard anyone affected by the actions and to deal with those responsible for it.

"Please continue to report your concerns to us, so we can take the appropriate actions and direct our patrols accordingly."