A YORKSHIRE dad has become the lucky owner of a picturesque Dorset house costing £2.5million thanks to the latest Omaze draw.

Chris Milnes from Pudsey was handed the keys to a stunning five-bedroom house near Wimborne Minster.

Chris and Jules have three children between them. Chris has two children from a previous marriage, son Ollie, 29, who lives in Australia, and daughter Lucy, 28, as well as their daughter Esmé, 23.

Chris, who bought his £2,500,000 winning entry for just £20, has worked as a salesman for the past 30 years.

(Image: Omaze)

His wife Jules, 56, has been at the same company for 25 years - having worked her way up from an administrator to become a commercial operations manager.

The house boasts a colour-themed shower, cinema room, and a spa-like bathroom with a freestanding bath.

Chris said: “When I got the call from Omaze to say I’d won something I thought wow, a couple of grand would go down a treat at the minute - I never imagined that I might’ve won a house worth more than a couple of million, it's crazy.

“It was a massive surprise to me, but an even bigger one for my wife as she had no idea I’d even entered. To say she was shocked is a bit of an understatement, she was utterly speechless.

(Image: Omaze)

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever own a multi-million-pound house - I spent much of my childhood living in a council flat in Leeds - things like this don’t happen to people like me.

“This house is absolutely gorgeous - it’s like something out of Grand Designs - I keep expecting Kevin McCloud to pop his head around the corner and say hello."

Chris added: “We always give what we can to charity - that’s why I’ve been entering Omaze Draws as even if I hadn’t won - I’ve still contributed towards a very worthy cause”

The money raised from the Omaze draw will support BBC Children in Need to fund more vital youth work projects in communities across the UK, to provide young people living in tough conditions with a space where they feel safe.