Youths have thrown a picnic bench two storeys onto the seafront promenade - smashing it.

The incident was reported overnight at Greenhill Gardens in Weymouth. A group of youths were causing anti-social behaviour by the tennis courts before throwing the bench down.

The bench was smashed on impact with the promenade.

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: "Whilst on 100 Days of Summer patrols this morning officers conducted some patrols along Greenhill Gardens, as well as our other hotspot areas.

"We received reports overnight of a group of youths causing anti-social behaviour by the tennis courts at Greenhill Gardens and threw a picnic bench down onto the promenade which is a considerable drop.

"The bench was smashed and could have posed a significant risk to anyone walking past at the time.

"We will work with local businesses to try and minimise any anti-social behaviour in the area and include this in our patrols."

(Image: Weymouth & Portland Police)