New opening hours for libraries across Dorset will come into effect on Monday, July 1.

The changes are part of the authority's library strategy development.

It says it has announced changes to opening times to respond to community demands.

Staffing numbers have been kept largely the same as before, with 630 hours a week instead of 631.

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Communities were asked when they wanted libraries to be open and based on feedback and residents' needs, opening hours have been updated. They were first published in July 2023.

The authority will also update its activities and events timetable to align with these new hours.

During the consultation, library users said they wanted:

  • Standard hours so that customers know when a library is open
  • Opening hours throughout the week Monday to Saturday
  • Morning opening for: pre-school children and their carers, retirees and those who do not work
  • Saturdays and afternoon opening, for school age children and young people
  • Saturdays, lunchtimes and evenings for those who work​
  • A spread of hours amongst a geographical group of libraries. This is so that not all libraries in a geographical area are closed on the same weekdays
  • Times when the library is closed, and partners or community groups can hire it

Aidan Dunn, the council's executive director for corporate services, said: "Over the course of 18 months, through our #LetsTalkLibraries campaign, we consulted and collaborated with our customers, communities, employees and partners to develop a new Library Strategy, which was adopted and published in July 2023.

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"The strategy outlines the library service’s contribution to Dorset and how we will support individuals and communities to be more connected and improve life chances, with a mission to ‘Inspire, Connect and Enable our communities through our services’.

“The development of the strategy was community led and evidence based. Over the course of 2 phases of public consultation we built a clear picture of both what our current library users and our non-library users wanted to see from us, now and in the future.

“Our library teams are excited to welcome you during our new opening times.”

To find out more about the new opening hours and read the strategy visit the libraries pages on the Dorset Council website at