PROPOSALS have been made for traffic calming measures on Shrubbery Lane in Wyke Regis.

The road is a busy drop-off point for three schools in the area.

The proposals were brought to Weymouth Town Council's Planning and Licensing Committee.

Brought by Kate Wheller and the Wyke Regis Society the proposals stated: "This narrow residential lane is marked as a dead end at the Foords Corner entrance. However, it is a popular cut-through for local traffic.

"It is always heavily parked both sides. Visibility can be difficult for drivers and pedestrians. At school drop-off and pick-up times, the road is congested.

"At its northern end, Shrubbery Lane becomes a single, narrow carriageway, through to Wyke Square.

"Vehicles attempt to pass each other, with frequent reversing and gridlock at the junction with Churchill Close.

"A bollard at the entrance, plus a historic guard stone, warns of restricted width. There’s a warning to drivers about the width at both ends.

"The bollard used to be substantial but is now flimsy. Cars and delivery vans ignore this and attempt entry, regularly knocking the bollard over, and frequently taking the corner of the roof of the adjacent house off (33 Shrubbery Lane). Opposite the bollard is a rough stone wall.

"The Wyke Regis Society has requested that the entry be closed off, Dorset Council have declined. Requests for a more substantial bollard have also been declined. 

"Support is sought for at the least a stronger bollard to protect an old property. Again, this lane is used by elderly and school children and is hazardous."

Lucy Hamilton presented the plans to the committee on Cllr Wheller's behalf.

She said: "I think the things we would like Dorset Council to think about is whether it should be one way, blocked off completely or a sign saying Slow.

"I think all of these would lead to congestion, but Shrubbery Lane is marked as a no-through road already and traffic entering from the roundabout shouldn't be expecting to go through to Wyke Square.

"I would like councillors to support to get this on the radar for Dorset Council."

Cllr David Northam said: "This is true of many schools, pick up and drop off blocks everything off.

"I think this is a more general issue, I think it needs a wider initiative, it is not just Shrubbery Lane, I support it going forward to Dorset Council."

Cllr Jon Orrell added: "I think it should be a no-through road for traffic, but still a through road for pedestrians."

The proposal was approved by committee members.