A WEYMOUTH man pleaded guilty to carrying a knuckle duster on Weymouth harbourside.

21-year-old Jack Murphy, of Spring Gardens in Weymouth, pleaded guilty to possessing a weapon in a public place.

On February 24 at Custom House Quay, he was found in possession of a knuckle duster.

He appeared before Weymouth Magistrates' Court on Friday, June 7, where he was formally charged.

Christina Norgan, prosecuting, said: “Police were called by a member of the public to an incident between the defendant and his sister.

“They were seen arguing down the road, both extremely intoxicated.

“The defendant was arrested on an unrelated matter, he was taken into custody, searched and police found a knuckle duster in his right-hand jacket pocket.

“It is illegal to possess this in a public place.

“During a police interview, he made full admission, he knew it was illegal.

“He wanted to protect himself and his sister whilst in town.

“He is of previous good character and no relevant previous convictions.”

Patricia Sheehan, mitigating, said: “He was given the knuckle duster by a friend.

“He had gone out with his sister, it was the first time he had ever taken the item out.

“It was a bad decision to take the item out with him.

“At five years old he was diagnosed with autism.

“He is employed by Palmer Care for 12 months and has worked in the care sector for three years.

“His line manager is aware and he will not lose his job because of a conviction.

“Alcohol was involved and he has been meeting with REACH (Alcohol awareness course).”

The case was adjourned for pre-sentence reports.

Murphy was released on unconditional bail until a hearing at Weymouth Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, August 1 at 10am.

The magistrates' also issued an order for the forfeiture and destruction of the knuckle duster