EVERYONE has a favourite restaurant. And there are some that stay in your mind even years after they’ve closed.

Restaurants may come and go in the Weymouth area but when they serve fantastic food and a have a brilliant atmosphere, they may be gone but not forgotten.

We asked readers to tell us their favourite eatery from years gone by that has since shut its doors - we received an overwhelming response!

Here is just a selection of those mentioned. How many of these do you remember?

Sea Cow Bistro, Weymouth

The Sea Cow BistroThe Sea Cow Bistro (Image: Newsquest)

The popularity of the Sea Cow never wanes! This Custom House Quay eatery lives long in the memory of many.

One person said: “I most miss the Sea Cow, it was best when it first opened.”

“I was there on the opening day,” another said. The harbourside eatery is remembered as being novel in the 1960s and as ‘a first class establishment that set standards’

"The smorgasbord upstairs was amazing," someone said.

READ MORE: 'Old Weymouth and Portland restaurants we love and miss'

Manbos, Weymouth

"It was amazing and I also miss the all you can eat Chinese on top of the bandstand in Weymouth," one reader said.


The old York Steakhouse



Pullingers, Weymouth Pier Bandstand

Pullingers Pullingers (Image: Supplied)

This would be the place to go for a special meal. It would host big celebrity dinners.

One reader says: “Pullingers was the best ever. Still cook Mr Pullinger’s steak Diane recipe. It is so good even my grandson cooks it!”

Michael Parkinson even visited and the reputation of Pullingers would bring ’all sorts’ of people come down to Weymouth.

READ MORE: 'Best places for Sunday lunch in Dorset'

Michelangelo's on Preston Road

The Spinnaker

Westers Bisto, Westerhall Road, Weymouth


Westers Westers (Image: Newsquest)

One reader says: “It was so great there, went all the time, well missed.”

Another says: Westers loved it. Had my 18th there. their garlic bread was delicious. our favourite place in the late 80s.

"How many times were we asked to be quiet or leave?!

The Silver Grill, Weymouth

"It was a lovely place to work."

The person added: "I worked there when I was 14. and also to eat!

"Can’t remember the bosses name but their daughter was Maria who was also lovely."

Another said: "Lovely place and it opened late!" 

The Elm Tree Inn, Langton Herring

"The best roast in Dorset!"

Fortes, Weymouth

Forte'sForte's (Image: Supplied)

This café at 1 Frederick Place was a popular hang-out.

"I loved that place," one reader said.

The old Wyke Bakehouse

"It did a good meal."

Handmade Pie and Ale House

Slingers, Portland

"They sold a lot of fish and shellfish there!" one person said.