Towns and villages across Dorset marked 80 years since D-Day with the simultaneous lighting of beacons.

These beacons were part of hundreds across the country that were lit at exactly 9.15pm, as the sun set.

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Weymouth town mayor Jon Orrell gave the proclamation before the beacon was lit at the Nothe Fort. He said: “D-Day was an example of nations cooperating with each other and the danger at the moment is nations are separating again, and those are the conditions which can bring about war. 

“We need to get back the idea of working together, the international collaboration which was shown on D-Day."

Read more: Beacon lit at Nothe Fort as Weymouth remembers D-Day

Weymouth mayor Jon Orrell on stage following the beacon lightingWeymouth mayor Jon Orrell on stage following the beacon lighting (Image: Tom Lawrence)

The Portland beacon lighting took place at The New Grounds. Accompanied by Weymouth Brass and a truly stunning sunset, the beacon was set ablaze by Royal Navy veteran and deputy mayor, Charlie Flack.

Mr Flack said: "It has been an honour and a privilege to read the international tribute and to light the beacon. It has been a long day, but very worthwhile and something that will last long in the memory"

Read more: WW2 veterans attend wreath laying at Portland Cenotaph

Deputy Mayor Charlie Flack next to the D-Day beaconDeputy Mayor Charlie Flack next to the D-Day beacon (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

A beacon was also lit in Dorchester on the Salisbury Field. The proclamation was read by Dorchester Town Crier, Mr Anthony Harrison and included messages from charities and the chair of Dorset Council, Cllr Stella Jones MBE.

Read more: Dorchester hold service to commemorate D-Day 80 years on

The beacon in DorchesterThe beacon in Dorchester (Image: Trevor Bevins)

Beacons were also lit at; the Terrace Playing Fields in Sherborne, at Hardings Park in Gillingham, on the Cobb in Lyme Regis, the town square in Beaminster, and on Cliff Road in Burton Bradstock.

The beacon in Lyme RegisThe beacon in Lyme Regis (Image: Maisie Hill)