A dog was left unattended in a car in West Bay sparking concern for its welfare.

Dorset Police received a report of a 'concern for a dog' in West Bay from a member of the public.

This prompted the on duty officer patrolling the area to contact the owner and check on the dog's wellbeing.

Contact was made and the dog was located and was 'okay' according to the officer, who preceded to make the dog comfortable and provided water.

The officer reminded the owner to open the window to allow fresh air to circulate and also issued a 'gentle reminder' to all dog owners about leaving their pets shut in hot cars.

The officer for Bridport Police said: "This evenings patrol included visiting some of our hotspots for anti-social behaviour, but I am pleased to say that I had a quiet shift and enjoyed talking to several people out walking their dogs.

"While out on my patrol , I was called to a report of a concern for a dog being left unattended in a vehicle at the East Beach car park in West Bay.

"On my arrival I made further enquiries at a nearby holiday resort , where I was able to obtain the mobile telephone number of the owner.

"I managed to make contact with the owner and asked if she could return to the vehicle , so that I could check on the dogs welfare.

"I am pleased to say that the dog was okay and had not been left very long but was very old, not being able to walk very far and was made comfortable with plenty of room and water.

"The owner was advised to open the windows a little to allow some air to flow through the vehicle albeit the temperature was dropping ,with this being approximately 7.30 pm.

"Just a gentle reminder to dog owners , please do not leave dogs shut in a hot vehicle as we will, if deemed necessary break into your vehicle to rescue a dog in destress , not only leaving you with a damage window but we will work with the RSCPA in taking legal action."