A popular shuttle bus service travelling to a Dorset nature reserve has been extended to cover the summer period.

The 2RN shuttle bus, operating from Wareham train station to RSPB Arne, will now run two days on Wednesdays and Sundays from June to the end of August.  

The service is now in its third consecutive year is supported and funded by the Purbeck Community Rail Partnership, RSPB, Wareham Town Council and operated by Dorset Community Transport.

Dorset Echo: 2RN bus service2RN bus service (Image: Rachel Martin Pash Joynson)

It aims to provide a sustainable public transport link from Wareham Station to the RSPB Arne Reserve, allowing tourists and local people to enjoy wildlife at the reserve which was featured on BBC Springwatch earlier this year.

READ MORE: BBC TV series Springwatch returns to Dorset at RSPB Arne

Tim Christian, manager at Dorset Community Transport, said: “We’re delighted to offer the continuation of the shuttle bus through the summer period.

“This is a valuable service for those who can’t drive or don’t have access to a car to be able to come and visit RSPB Arne and connect by rail.

“Whether visitors choose to leave their cars at home, don’t have access to a vehicle, we hope our Service 2RN will enable more people to enjoy RSPB Arne’s fun nature trails, wonderful wildlife, and stunning views.

A full timetable for the 2RN can be found by visiting the ECT charity website: https://ectcharity.co.uk/Dorset/local-bus-service-in-dorset