Yobs who appeared drunk have been caught swimming in Weymouth harbour this afternoon.

Five people were seen acting inappropriately in Weymouth town centre this afternoon and have been issued with dispersal orders by Dorset Police. 

Some of the group 'appeared intoxicated' and were 'causing anti-social behaviour' on Custom House Quay, police says. 

Police officers in Weymouth who are operating increased patrols in the town as part of their 100 Days of Summer operation were alerted to the yobs behaviour by Dorset Council's CCTV team.

READ: Police launch crackdown on antisocial behaviour in Weymouth

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: "This afternoon our astute colleagues from Dorset Council CCTV alerted us to a group on Custom House Quay.

"A number of them appeared intoxicated, were causing anti-social behaviour and were swimming in the harbour.

"As well as being a fairly unwise decision to go swimming whilst intoxicated, it is also a breach of a harbour bylaw to swim in the harbour.

"Five persons were issued section 35 dispersal notices, dispersing them from the town centre which includes the harbourside on both sides of the harbour for the next 15 hours.