Insect enthusiasts will be able learn more about butterflies and moths at a Dorset farm this summer.

The Country Regeneration Trust (CRT) is holding a 'marvellous moths and beautiful butterflies' walk at Bere Marsh Farm, near Shillingstone.

Coinciding with National Insect Week, the trust, a national charity which promotes nature-friendly farming to help reverse biodiversity decline and combat climate change, is holding the walk on Saturday June 22 from 10am to 1pm.

A second walk will also take place on July 20. 

READ: Bere Marsh Farm Countryside Regeneration Trust workshops

Led by one of Dorset's leading moth experts, Jack Oughton, participants will learn about these fascinating, often cryptic insects.

Jack will set moth traps the previous evenings around the farm, as they are mostly nocturnal.  

He will then open the traps with participants and reveal insights and fascinating facts about the species found.  

The CRT's community engagement manager Nick Dobbs will also take visitors on a one-hour guided nature walk around the farm and the Angela Hughes Nature Reserve, focusing on butterflies, as well as any other wildlife spotted along the way. 

Dorset Echo: Jack Oughton UK & Dorset Moth Jack Oughton UK & Dorset Moth (Image: Countryside Regeneration Trust)

He said: “We have been monitoring moths and butterflies at Bere Marsh Farm for several years to help us track their health and that of their ecosystem overall.

“Catch and release moth traps are the most efficient, humane and effective method of gathering information about moths, enabling us to make informed decisions about how to manage the land on the farm, such as encouraging flora diversity within each habitat across the farm to help ensure there is enough food to support as many species as possible.” 

READ: Countryside Regeneration Trust dawn chorus walk, Shillingstone

Nick said the presence of moth species can provide useful information about climate change  and the biological state of the local environment.  

He added: “Butterfly conservation rely on moth enthusiasts sending in records from moth trapping activities to do this research and therefore would not be able to find discoveries on population changes without the help of monitors and their moth traps."

National Insect Week is organised by the Royal Entomological Society and runs from June 24 to June 30.

Nick continued: “Taking part in one of our walks is a great opportunity to take part in citizen science and get to know insects as well as learn from our experts.

Children can also borrow one of the ‘Wildlife Explorer’ bags from the Threshing Barn, which contain a magnifying glass and pots to go and explore the insect life along the trailway at Bere Marsh Farm. 

The cost is £10 per adult, £3 per child and £5 per CRT Friend or volunteer. 

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