With the BBC's popular Springwatch series broadcasting from Dorset in full swing, people are being encouraged to get involved with wildlife volunteering.

Springwatch is currently live on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer and is being broadcast from RSPB Arne, near Wareham.

One of the shows presenters, Michaela Strachan, is urging people to get out and volunteer during the 'Big Help Out' - a volunteering campaign running from June 7 to June 9.

Michaela said: “We’re going to be looking at things like animal sanctuaries, environmental projects, local wildlife groups, doing all sorts of different things that people can volunteer with wildlife, anything from a beach clean to surveys, and it really is a great way that people can support local wildlife.”

READ: BBC TV series Springwatch returns to Dorset at RSPB Arne

The show is also not shying away from the difficult truths about the challenges affecting wildlife, and what people can do to help.

Chris Packham, one of the shows other presenters, said: “The thing about Springwatch, as ever, is it will be a challenge and a surprise. 

“Our mission is to bring people new stories from the nest that we follow and the other stories that we bring in, and obviously we’ll be delving into the new science and the only thing that we can guarantee, or that we can’t say what it is, is that we will see something that we’ve not seen before, as that always happens."

The show continues on BBC Two at 8pm until Thursday, June 6 with the final week concluded from Monday June 10 until Thursday June 13.