Police officers have ‘put plans in place’ to tackle the ‘playing of loud music, drug taking and alcohol consumption on a seafront road.

The antisocial behaviour has been taking place between 5pm and 8pm along Brunswick Terrace, Weymouth.

Neighbourhood officers have been liaising with hoteliers along Brunswick Terrace and the Esplanade in order to address these concerns.

Following these conversations, plans have been put in place to tackle the issues

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: “Weymouth Town Centre Neighbourhood Policing Team have been liaising with local hoteliers along the Esplanade in order to address concerns regarding antisocial behaviour groups gathering in the area of Brunswick Terrace between the hours of 5pm and 8pm of an evening.

“Concerns range from playing of loud music, drug taking and alcohol consumption. Pro-active conversations between officers and local partners have enabled us to put plans in place to combat these concerns moving forward and prevent the issues growing through the summer weeks.

“Any concerns regarding antisocial behaviour or any of the above please let us know as soon as possible.”