A group of Weymouth firefighters took on a gruelling challenge to raise money for a charity ‘close to their hearts.’

Seven on-call firefighters from Weymouth Fire Station roughly aged between 19 and 55 decided to take on the London West Tough Mudder challenge – a hardcore obstacle course designed to test all around strength, stamina, and mental grit.

Dorset Echo: Weymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challengeWeymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challenge (Image: Weymouth Fire Station)

The team successfully completed the challenge to raise money for the Firefighters Charity which offer support to serving and retired firefighters and their families.

Adrian Miller is one of the firemen that took part, explaining that the idea came about from a conversation they were having about trying to do something as a team – which is when they came across the Tough Mudder challenge.

Dorset Echo: Adrian MillerAdrian Miller (Image: Weymouth Fire Station)

He said: “I don’t think most of them realized how long it would be and how many obstacles there would be. We all finished and got a medal as well as a few bruises and sore muscles.”

One of the obstacles the team was faced with was the ‘Mudderhorn,’ a giant-A-frame structure made up of netting which competitors must climb up and over.

Obviously, the challenge would not be complete without a little bit of mud with obstacles like the mud mile, kiss of mud and pit fall to keep participants on their toes.

Adrian has been a firefighter for 30 years, describing his team as being ‘like a second family.’ The team have set up a JustGiving page for people to donate to which will remain open for an additional couple of weeks.

Dorset Echo: Weymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challengeWeymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challenge (Image: Weymouth Fire Station)

Speaking about the Firefighters Charity, Adrian said: “Because we are firefighters, we have seen the effects of what can happen, like getting injured or PTSD and the charity supports their families as well – it’s close to our hearts because of what we do.”

Dorset Echo: Weymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challengeWeymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challenge (Image: Weymouth Fire Station)


Dorset Echo: Weymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challengeWeymouth firefighters take on Tough Mudder challenge (Image: Weymouth Fire Station)

On Sunday, June 9, firefighters from Weymouth will also be taking part in a charity car wash at the fire station on Radipole Lane.

If you would like to donate to the firefighters' efforts, visit their JustGiving page here: https://tinyurl.com/nhf5m4fp