CAR enthusiasts will celebrate the 25th anniversary of a classic vehicle club this Sunday with a 60-mile tour of Dorset.

Transport Of Yesteryear was formed in May 1999 and this year celebrates "25 years of Classic Friendship" which is the motto on the club logo.

The Weymouth club has gone from strength to strength in 25 years and has brought together a huge group of classic vehicle enthusiasts who have become great friends.

Three of the four founder members are still on the management team 25 years later.

Carle Grahame who was made chairman in May 1999, still remains chairman to this day, Nick Aplin has been vice chairman and magazine editor also remains so today and Martin Hains has also been a management team member from the start.

T.O.Y as the club is affectionately known is a not-for-profit club and has raised thousands of pounds for charities including the air ambulance and Weldmar Hospicecare Trust.

This Sunday, June 2, will see the club's 23rd Annual Hardy Country Classic Tour, which is a tour for vintage and classic vehicles taking part in a 60-mile round trip through some of the most picturesque parts of Dorset.

The Tour starts from Higher Bockhampton Farm and Business Park at 8.30am.

The event attracts entries from all over the country and has had over 100 vehicles take part in the past.

Entry is £10 per vehicle, which can be cars, commercials, motorcycles and three-wheelers.

Hot and cold food and drinks are available at the start.

The Tour will have a lunch stop on the grounds of Melbury House, the home of the club patron Charlotte Townshend.

Mr Grahame has announced the tour will be the last organised by Nick Aplin and his father Will, who have organised the trip for the past 13 years.

He said: "They have done a terrific job in every respect of the Tour, making it one of, if not the most, popular event in the South.

The Tour will finish on Weymouth Esplanade, the first cars are expected to arrive at around 2.30pm and will be met by Weymouth Mayor Cllr Jon Orell who will present the finisher certificates to the drivers.

The cars will remain on static display until around 4.30pm.