Volunteers behind a Weymouth community group which looks after two popular attractions fear that the group may cease to exist if it doesn't get more support.

The Friends of Rodwell Trail and Sandsfoot Castle has been running for around 15 years now and due to ‘people getting a little bit older and retiring,’ it needs new members to be able to continue.

Dorset Echo: The Rodwell TrailThe Rodwell Trail (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Committee member Claudia Webb explained that ‘the group means a lot to her on a personal level’ and ‘believes that it's also hugely important for Weymouth to have a committee that will always fight for the best interests of the beautiful trail and the castle.’

Claudia said: “For a lot of people, the Rodwell Trail is their happy place and their safe place when they are feeling really low. It is so beautiful and makes you grateful to live in Weymouth.

“I have never witnessed any sort of anti-social behaviour when I have been there – it’s generally a very peaceful place to be and the more people who are walking down there, the safer it will be.”

Dorset Echo: The Rodwell TrailThe Rodwell Trail (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Without the group, Claudia believes that the Rodwell Trail would ‘look a lot messier in many ways.’

She added: “We do a lot of family related things and events; it would be a shame for people to miss out.’

These events include regular litter picks, butterfly walks, geology projects, fundraising, musical events, fetes, trail improvements, as well as astronomy evenings.

Claudia said: “I attended our committee meeting and am deeply saddened to report that unless we manage to find some active members or people wishing to assist on the committee then we will have to consider dissolving the group.

“We currently only have a few core members, and it is unsustainable for us to continue this way.”

Dorset Echo: The Rodwell TrailThe Rodwell Trail (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Claudia is now calling on people who may have a little bit of time to spare, alongside a passion for the area to get involved so that the group can continue and is now planning an open day in June.

If you would like to get involved in the committee, email: cllrclaudia.webb@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk