FREE parking will be made available in Weymouth on four days in the coming year.

Events including Remembrance Sunday, and the Christmas lights switch on have been selected for free parking by Weymouth Town Council.

Residents and visitors will be able to make use of the free parking for upcoming events, whilst free parking for beach motocross will be reserved for event organisers and a large number of participants.

The events take place on the following dates:

Sunday, November 10, Remembrance Sunday service and parade – free use of all Dorset Council operated town centre car parks.

Saturday, November 30, the town’s Christmas lights switch on event – free use of all Dorset Council operated town centre car parks.

In addition, a fourth date was also agreed prior to the pre-election period for Weymouth’s prestigious Armed Forces event on Sunday, June 23.

Dorset Council also offers a further date for free to support Small Business Saturday which is usually held early in December.

On Sunday, October 20, Weymouth and Portland Lions Club Beach Motocross event will see free use of the Pavilion Forecourt and Pavilion rear car park for event set up and participants only.

The dates were selected at the town council’s Environment and Services Committee on Wednesday, May 29, following a survey of event organisers.

The council discussed options from a list of nine events and had to pick three from the list.

The events which also had applied for free parking but were not chosen were; the Launch event for Radipole Park and Gardens, Weymouth Beach Volleyball Classic, Sea Cadets Southwest Sailing and Windsurfing Regatta, Dorset Seafood Festival, Weymouth Big Dog Walkies and the Weymouth 10 road race.

Committee members unanimously agreed that the Remembrance Service and Parade and Christmas Lights Switch-on event should include free parking.

Members then decided between the Lions Beach Motocross and the Radipole Gardens Launch event for the final spot.

Despite initially supporting free parking for the Radipole Park and Gardens launch, Cllr Matt Bell and other councillors changed their mind after hearing that the loss of free parking for participants could jeopardise the Beach Motocross event.

Cllr Bell said: "I am very torn, one event can run without free parking, one is not viable without it.

"On that basis, and I wish we had an extra day, I would hate to see an event be lost because of a decision made in this chamber.

"I regret that I cannot support both events."

The three days and car park locations will now be submitted to Dorset Council for approval.