A residents’ association in Dorset is launching a campaign in a bid to stop inconsiderate parking in Poundbury.

Poundbury Residents’ Association (PRA) is behind the Think Before You Park campaign.

It follows on from four weeks of road safety project research in which residents have submitted evidence to the association.

Concerns were raised over unsafe and inappropriate parking on the development.

Problem areas have been identified as Liscombe Street near Damers First School, Queen Mother Square including the side closest to the garden centre, Middlemarsh Street- which is close to Brownsword Hall, Crown Street West, the junction to Coade Street and the Buttermarket. 

Dorset Echo: One common suggestion was the need to raise awareness and educate drivers.

Residents said they were concerned about how bad parking might affect the safety of pedestrians and other road users and about drivers parking too close to junctions, which in Poundbury do not have give way or double yellow markings.

Dorset Echo: Lesley Clark, recently elected chair of the PRA, said: “The strongest feedback came from unsafe parking. Perhaps this is because people see it daily, and also it could be something that we can do more about."

According to Mrs Clark, the idea of driver education was mooted to the Duchy of Cornwall, which manages Poundbury and there are hopes of more discussions in July.

Leaflets on bad parking will be produced to educate drivers and there are plans to distribute them to local community hubs and businesses.

Dorset Echo:

Graham Vingoe, who is part of the campaign to see Poundbury’s speed limit changed to 20mph and a member of the Poundbury Road Safety Group, said he was ‘quite intrigued’ that parking generated the most interest from residents in surveys.

He said: “It’s a more immediate problem, and more personal to the individual.

“The idea of educating people is about improving road safety in the area and making sure motorists are not obstructing the view of other road users.

“People have been parking on junctions. This is a problem- please think again before you park,” he added. 

Dorset Echo: Dorset councillor Richard Biggs, who represents Poundbury, said he thinks there have been so many reports of inconsiderate parking due to the lack of road markings in Poundbury.

He said: “This is something that I support. People park inconsiderately in Poundbury which is a consequence of the lack of road markings.

“People should not be parking on corners or on pavements, but yellow lines can’t be painted in Poundbury.

“The frustrating thing is that the only thing that can be done is a campaign but you can’t force people to use common sense.”