A housing association has apologised for delays in removing offensive and anti-Semitic graffiti sprayed on the outside of flats.

As previously reported, residents were left shocked after a spree of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti was daubed throughout Poundbury.

Six incidents of criminal damage were reported to Dorset Police around the Great Field between Wednesday, February 14 and Thursday, February 15.

A communication board at the play park in the Great Field was targeted, along with benches. Vandals also spray painted the racially offensive 'n' word and painted a swastika and obscene words on a wall outside of Melrose Court overlooking the Great Field.

The acts of vandalism were immediately boarded up at Melrose Court, rather than being painted over, and has been left boarded up since the incidents were reported.

Abri, the housing association responsible for Melrose Court has provided an update on when the paint will be removed, apologising to residents for a delay in the process.

They have revealed that the site will be cleaned by a specialist cleaning contractor on Friday, June 7.

A spokesperson for Abri said: “At Abri we take pride in our communities and are committed to providing clean and pleasant neighbourhoods for our customers to call home.

“We share our customers' frustrations about the graffiti in Melrose Court and arranged for the area to be immediately boarded as soon as we aware of it.

“This is a temporary measure to cover the area until our specialist cleaning contractor can permanently remove the graffiti, which is arranged for 7 June 2024. We apologise for any delays.”

The Poundbury Residents’ Association had been in contact with the housing association regarding the removal of the boards for the past month. 

Following the reports, police have been appealing for witnesses to come forward. No arrests have been made at this time of writing.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “There is no update and no arrests have been made. As with all incidents, if any new information comes to light this will be investigated.”