A play park swing was set on fire during the early hours.

The round net swing at Chickerell play park, off Putton Lane could be seen ablaze over the weekend.

The incident is being treated as suspicious and police have been informed.

Firefighters from Weymouth attended the incident and extinguished the blaze using a hose reel jet.

Local resident William Zachert was driving home from work at around 1am on Saturday, May 25, when the fire caught his attention.

He said: “I was driving home from work and was going past the play park when I noticed that the swing was on fire.

“This was at about 1am so I drove into the car park and as I parked up about six people ran off down Putton Lane.

“I called the fire brigade and asked if they would also let the police know."

A spokesperson for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service said: "A crew from Weymouth were called to Rashley Road, Chickerell at 1.20am on Saturday, May 25 following reports of a fire in the open.

"On arrival, firefighters found a swing alight which they extinguished using a hose reel jet and police informed."

The stop message, which means that the fire has been dealt with and no further action is required came in at 1.32am.

Dorset Police have been contacted for more information.