A DAY of free activities is on offer in the Borough Gardens in Dorchester next month.

A fun day will be held in the town gardens to mark Dorchester Town Council's 50th anniversary.

The event will be held on Saturday, June 29 from 11am to 4pm.

The free activities will include historical displays, duels, weapons and armour from the Company of Wyvern, as well as activities from the Dorchester Youth Council, Shire Hall and YW Blood Bikes.

There will also be face painting, Keep 106 broadcasting from the bandstand, a bouncy castle and the chance to ‘duel as an inflatable gladiator’.

Refreshments on the day will include Mad Mitch Whippy Ice Cream, Kiosk on the Green, Flippin’ Delicious Pancakes, Veggie Vortex Curries and Baked Goods.

Founded in 1974, the town council provides a range of community and recreational facilities, with the aim of promoting the county town’s interest with other bodies such as Dorset Council.