A HAIRDRESSER has proved herself to be a cut above the rest by raising more than £10.5k in London Marathon fundraising.

Charlie Spencer, 60, of Maiden Newton has totted up all her funds after slogging her way round the 26.2 mile course through the capital last month.

She has raised a staggering £10,673 in all from what was her 17th marathon.

Charlie opted to run in aid of Brain Tumour Research after a friend was diagnosed with a high grade brain tumour.

She said: "I raised £7,000 last year and I was hoping to beat it this year.

"I was thrilled I was able to raise £10,000. It was like a dream.

"I've had so much support from clients and friends. I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me." 

"Doing it for the brain tumour charity was important to me and since I chose that cause because of a friend who has suffered, I've since known three other people who have had a brain tumour.

"And since I've started doing the fundraising people I don't know have touched base with me to say their husband, partner or wife has been affected."

Dorset Echo: Charlie after running the London MarathonCharlie after running the London Marathon (Image: Supplied)

Charlie held various events to boost her funds, including a sponsored head shave and a quiz night in her local, the Chalk and Cheese at Maiden Newton.

She also organised a raffle and encouraged firms and individuals to donate prizes. 

READ MORE: 'We want to hear from marathon runners in Dorset'

As a result of passing on the impressive amount of funds to Brain Tumour Research, Charlie has been invited to have a tour of the cause's research laboratory in the autumn.

"It will be really good to see the work they do there," she said.

"I've even been told I will get my name on a tile on the wall," she said.

Dorset Echo: Charlie is delighted with her fund-raising effortsCharlie is delighted with her fund-raising efforts (Image: Supplied)

Charlie says she is inspired to keep helping other people by seeing how they cope with difficult situations.

"I just enjoy life and if I can help other people that's even better.

"I'm just very fortunate that I'm healthy and and that I can do running to help other people," she says.

And Charlie isn't stopping there. She has another marathon lined up for next month, the Giants Head Marathon in Dorset, which passes through the Sydling and Cerne valleys.

You can donate to Charlie's fundraising at the website https://tinyurl.com/4wf4x9kr