RESIDENTS have called for road safety measures to be put in place on a residential road in Weymouth which was the scene of a fatal crash last year.

The crash - in which pedestrian Sylvia Bentley, a local woman in her 90s, died after a collision involving a delivery van on May 2, 2023 - is the subject of ongoing court proceedings.

However councillors and residents have called for a general review of safety on the road - Wooland Gardens in Wyke Regis.

Concerns have particularly been raised about an alleyway which is regularly used by pedestrians between Kayes Close and Wooland Gardens.

While at the Kayes Close end there is a metal barrier between the pavement and the road and a raised kerb, at the Wooland Gardens end, which is on a blind corner, there is no protection for pedestrians between the road and the pavement.

Dorset Echo: The exit of the walkway onto Wooland GardensThe exit of the walkway onto Wooland Gardens (Image: Tom Lawrence)

Lucy Hamilton, a former Wyke Regis councillor, and residents raised concerns at Weymouth Town Council's Planning and Licensing Committee, calling for measures to warn drivers of the path at the Wooland Gardens end and to protect pedestrians in this area.

Mrs Hamilton said: "There was a horrific fatal collision last year.

"I cannot tell you how strong the feeling is here.

"This alleyway is regularly used as a walking route by elderly people going to the GP or by school children wanting to avoid the main road, it is not protected at all.

"I am gobsmacked that neither Dorset Police nor Dorset Highways thought this awful incident merited any kind of redesign.

"We need triangles in the road or just a slow sign, we need something."

Dorset Echo: The entrance to the walkway at Kayes CloseThe entrance to the walkway at Kayes Close (Image: Tom Lawrence)

Mrs Hamilton added: "It is not protected at all but on the other side of the walkway it is."

Suggested safety measures which have been proposed are: signage to advise drivers of pedestrians in the road; road markings to indicate a route for pedestrians; precautionary barriers at the beginning of the path.

Committee members gave a comment on the proposal which will be sent to Dorset Council for consideration.

The comment said: "Weymouth Town Council would support an area investigation because of the evident danger and lack of action and signage for drivers that it is a no through road."

* Regarding the fatal crash, Edgaras Kondratas, aged 40, of Peartree Close, Southampton, has pleaded not guilty to causing death by driving without due care and consideration while over the specified limit for a controlled drug.

He is due to appear before Bournemouth Crown Court on Monday, September 23 for a trial.