UP to five police cars are understood to be attempting to stop a 14-year-old who is driving an allegedly stolen tractor and trailer.

Residents of Frampton and Stratton have spoken of the surreal scene this morning as the convoy of police cars attempted to stop the youngster.

It is believed all the tyres of the tractor are flat at this stage.

One person said: "There's currently a 14-year-old boy driving a tractor and trailer. Now entering the Frampton area. Police are in pursuit. Already he has written off two police cars. Just be careful if you are out this morning.”

Another said: "Anyone wondering what all that noise and sirens was at 6.30am? Well, it was a slow speed police chase with five police cars and a tractor and trailer with all its tyres popped.

"It went along the A37 around the Muckleford bridge, down through Bradford Peverell and back again and now on its way to the A35. Not every day you see something like that."

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