Plans have been drawn up for an extension to facilities at a sports centre in Dorset.

The Redlands Leisure and Community Park, off Dorchester Road in Weymouth, could undergo a series of major changes after a planning application was submitted.

Since the site was taken over by Active Dorset in 2022 from Dorset Council and leased to Weymouth College, a number of improvements have been carried out, including repairs to the roof of the Sports Hall. This work was carried out using funding from Dorset Council and Weymouth Town Council. 

This work to the roof is expected to be completed in the next two to three months. Another project that was included at this stage of renovations was to the café and the installation of a soft play area, which was completed at the start of the year.

Now, Active Dorset has submitted a planning application for a new artificial football pitch, which is planned to be built next to the existing pitch, which will be repaired.

Clive Nelson, People and Places Manager at Active Dorset, said: “When Active Dorset took on the running of Redlands in December 2022, part of the agreement was to make a number of improvements which included the repair and maintenance of the roof.

"We have put in an application for increasing the 3G pitch provision for football. Redlands is recognised by the regional FA as a priority area and the old pitch needs refurbishments.”

According to Mr Nelson, the plans also include refurbishments to the site’s car park, which could also be resurfaced. There is also a possibility that areas of grass could be strengthened and used for parking down the track- similar to what would be found at a National Trust site.  

Further to this, a new artificial cricket square will be installed to allow for more evening and weekend matches.  

Additionally, there are plans for a walking trail to be put in around the playing fields at the hub. Mr Nelson said: “The idea of this track is to increase the use of open spaces, and will allow for people to wander without encroaching on sports.

“The application for the football pitch will see the path leading to it and will make the site more accessible all year round.”

If the planning application gets given the green light, work is expected to start at the end of 2024, or the beginning of early 2025.

Mr Nelson added: “We have involved residents and user groups of the centre, and everyone has been very positive about it, with a bonus of hopefully relieving parking issues.

“We will hold consultations in the future to discuss our plans in more detail.

“It is a very important area and is what people want. We’re pleased to help getting the area involved in activities from walking to football.”