SECURITY cameras put up along a route plagued with crime and anti-social behaviour are still not working - and a cyclist who was attacked is demanding action is taken.

CCTV was announced for the Rodwell Trail walking and cycle route in Weymouth in August 2022 after Dorset Council bid for almost £250,000 of government funding for initiatives to make women and girls feel safer.

As previously reported there's been some problems connecting the cameras which are positioned on the trail between the Marsh area and Buxton Road bridge.

Despite works finally getting underway in the new year to connect the CCTV cameras to a power supply, the system has still not gone live.

Dorset Council has since revealed that a further ‘series of problems’ have been encountered by contractors.

It is understood they will be going 'live' in the next few months. 

Dorset Echo: Cameras along the Rodwell trail - that still don't workCameras along the Rodwell trail - that still don't work (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

It comes as a man who was struck with a bottle whilst cycling has shared his ‘very frightening’ experience.

Vlad Dumitriu, from Weymouth, was cycling along the Rodwell Trail when he was hit by a plastic bottle that had been thrown off the bridge at Buxton Road.

Although the bottle was plastic, it struck him in the face and was thrown with such force that it broke a lens in his sunglasses.

Mr Dumitriu said: “It was a very frightening experience, and this is the second time that it has happened to me in three months.”

Dorset Echo: Vlad with his broken glasses and the bottle that hit himVlad with his broken glasses and the bottle that hit him (Image: Vlad George Dumitriu)

He added: “I want to raise awareness about what happened as it could happen to someone else and it could be much worse. They need to do something about it like put a net there or get the cameras working.

"I was scared to death last time and in a hurry to get home.”

Fortunately, Mr Dumitriu did not sustain any physical injuries.

The incident was reported to police who are carrying out enquiries, although no arrests have yet been made.

Dorset Echo: Cameras along the Rodwell Trail still don't workCameras along the Rodwell Trail still don't work (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Dorset councillor Alex Fuhrmann of the Westham ward has been an advocate of getting the cameras up and running before he even became a Dorset councillor.

Since being voted in, he has been inundated with questions as to what is going on and when the CCTV will be working.

Cllr Fuhrmann said: “I have heard that this will be done by July so I will be keeping my eye on that date.

“It’s on my to do list and it’s not going to stop being there until it’s done – It needs to be in place.

“I have had residents contact me to ask what’s going on. It’s something that the community care about so much.”

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: "It is disappointing that the CCTV cameras funded through the Safer Streets Programme are still not working.

"A series of problems have been encountered by the contractors in the siting and electrical connections to the camera positions. We are working through these issues with the contractor and everything else is in place to go live as soon as possible."