More than £300,000 has been raised to help keep an end of life service going in Dorset. 

Weldmar Hospicecare has smashed its target of £250,000 during the charity's Making Every Moment Matter crowdfunding campaign - raising a total of £316,846. 

The thirty hour long fundraising marathon, which started at 10am on Sunday May 19, was needed as the charity says its services are facing increased demand as costs spiral.

It is expecting to spend a million pounds more on services this year than they expect to raise through traditional fundraising and their charity shops.

READ: Weldmar Hospicecare 30 hour urgent appeal fundraiser

Gloria McCartney, fundraising and supporter care lead at Weldmar, said: “An absolutely huge thank you to everyone who has donated to Making Every Moment Matter.

"This was more than just a fundraising campaign, as colleagues from nurses to shop staff to complementary therapists all got involved in promoting it.

"As the donations were rolling in, we heard and read stories about the personal reasons people were supporting Weldmar in memory of their loved ones.

"Not only was this emotional for everyone here, but seeing the total increase hour by hour was just staggering, knowing that people hold Weldmar so closely to their hearts.”

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Weldmar needs to raise £27,500 every day to keep providing specialist care in Dorset for adults with a range of life limiting illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and motor neurone disease

The total from the fundraiser is the highest total of any appeal since the launch of the charity.

A number of generous donors and trusts had also contributed to a match fund, which allowed donations from members of the public to be doubled throughout the campaign.

The total raised will allow Weldmar to provide specialist end of life care and support for almost 100 patients, through community nurses, hospice at home, the charity’s Inpatient Unit, counselling, and a range of patient and family support services.

READ: Weldmar Hospicecare Music By the Lakes festival to end

Caroline Hamblett, Weldmar CEO, added: “We are astounded and humbled by the support that we have received from our local community through this campaign, which simply demonstrates just how important these services are to so many.

"Although this money will go some way to helping to reduce our deficit budget this year, the reality remains that our services are going to cost us significantly more than we are able to raise.

"We will continue lobbying government and having these vital conversations at both a local and national level, but the continued support from our community is still very much needed.

"Whether its donating or buying in our charity shops, organising your own fundraising event, setting up an affordable monthly donation or considering leaving a gift in your will, every donation really does make a difference and will help families right here in our community.”