I READ with dismay the front page of the Bridport News of 7th March. Bridport does not need more homes for ‘older people’!

What it does need is low cost and social housing for young working people, especially the extra care workers such a development would require!

There is inadequate housing for care workers, nurses, teachers and workers in shops and hospitality.

I am particularly concerned by this proposed development as it is so close to the recently opened Gordon Court on the old Mountjoy School site.

This would create essentially an older people’s ghetto at the bottom of South Street, not a desirable thought!

If this development is allowed it will further distort the demography of the town and discourage younger people moving here.

Planners, please consider the balanced needs of the town and so not allow this development. I am over 70 but would not wish to live in such a development!

