DORCHESTER is in a spin with news that the town’s first launderette for at least a decade has been agreed.

It will open in an empty shop unit at the Hardye Arcade, off South Street.

Dorset Council has approved the change of use planning application for Sarah Randall of Greenhill Cleaning who says the 33 square metre unit will only be used for wash/dry machines with no dry cleaning facilities.

In her application to Dorset Council she says that the machines and ventilation will be installed by a professional contractor at the former childrenswear store.

“Nothing is going to be changed to the exterior of the building and not a lot to the interior - excepting professional electrical and plumbing work and will not be significantly different to what the building has been used for over the years.

“On having carried out my research into a suitable area for a launderette, I was encouraged by local people who currently have to travel to Weymouth to access one and shopkeepers in the vicinity of 1 Hardye Arcade who feel it would encourage more footfall into the County Town and specifically into the Arcade and, by definition, beyond into the town centre - which I am sure you will agree is much needed! It will also have a positive impact on the area and utilise empty buildings as there are many in the area,” said Miss Randall in her application to the council.

Pics – The former childrenswear shop which will be converted to a launderette Pic – Hardye Arcade, general view from the Old Market car park.