A huge cycling challenge will follow a route through Dorset to raise money for charity.

The Ride to Horsa cycling event will follow a 48-mile route Tarrant Rushton to Lytchett Minster before the cyclists hop on a ferry to Cherbourg to continue with the rest of the challenge.

The Ride to Horsa cycle will take place from September 5-8 in honour the heroes who spearheaded the D-Day invasion. 

The group are undertaking the challenge to raise funds for the Veterans Charity.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “On the night of 5th June 1944, ‘Operation Coup De Main’ left Tarrant Rushton Airfield in six Horsa gliders, the objective was two bridges near the village of Ranville which had to be captured intact and held at all costs.

Against all odds, the operation was a remarkable success and enabled troops to proceed from the landing beaches inland to ultimately liberate France and Europe.

“The Veterans Charity has created Ride to Horsa to not only honour these remarkable heroes but also to celebrate the extraordinary aircraft that carried them to their objectives.”

The Ride to Horsa will also be honouring the heroes of this operation on the route from Cherbourg.