THREE homes have been approved on the site of a shop unit and land to its rear in Dorchester Road, Broadwey.

The carpet shop, Whipround, at 606 Dorchester Road has been empty since March this year. It sits alongside Broadwey Village Stores and has previously been a Co-Op, a building maintenance business, kitchen salesroom, car showroom and an office for a financial services business.

Developers say the site is no longer viable for commercial use with little interest when it was advertised.

A planning application to Dorset Council says the plot can accommodate the three homes, each three-bed, with a slight reduction in parking spaces from nine to seven. One home will be set back at the front off Dorchester Road with a pair of semi-detached properties further back on the L-shaped plot.

Previous planning consents have been given for homes on the site, dating back to 2007, all of them now lapsed.

The site has rear access to garages and parking off a lane from Old Station Road which will be used to access the homes. A footpath to the properties will be created off Dorchester Road with no vehicular access.

The proposals had led to objections from some neighbours, mainly over the access to the site which several claim is unsuitable and could create safety issues.

A council planning case officer, who decided the application, said the use of the site is within planning constraints and similar previous application had been agreed : “the impact on the character and appearance of the area would be acceptable as would the loss of a vacant shop premises. The impact on neighbour’s amenity is considered acceptable and there are no highway objections. The proposal would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area opposite and there are no significant adverse flood risks,” said the officer’s report.

Illustration – Site layout and drawings of the proposed homes Pic – The site today. Google