TWO people were trapped in their car in fast-flowing water in Whitchurch Canonicorum.

The driver and passenger had become trapped in their vehicle after trying to drive through floodwater on Cards Mill Lane.

Firefighters from Bridport and Charmouth rescued the casualties using an inflatable boat.

A spokesperson for Charmouth Fire Station said: "We were called to Cards Mill Lane, Whitchurch Canonicorum to rescue two people trapped in their vehicle in flood water.

"Two crews attended, from Charmouth and Bridport, and a wading team brought the casualties to safety using an inflatable boat.

"We would remind all drivers to take extra care during periods of heavy rain, as flooding is often a lot deeper than it appears and it only takes a small amount of water to seize up an engine – and potentially write off the vehicle.

"The fire and rescue service will rescue people who are in danger, but responsibility for recovering the vehicle lies with the owner/driver."