A team of ‘guerrilla gardeners’ have been tidying up a popular footpath.

Four members of the Dorchester Transport Action Group (DTAG) got stuck in tidying up the footpath between Sawmills Lane and Tesco.

The path is very narrow and was overgrown with vegetation, hemmed in by chicken wire and was potentially dangerous after dark.

Dorset Echo: DTAG member David Durose tackling some dense ivy on the footpath. (Photo Stewart Palmer)DTAG member David Durose tackling some dense ivy on the footpath. (Photo Stewart Palmer) (Image: Stewart Palmer)

David Durose of the action group said: “This path is well used by both pedestrians and cyclists, yet nobody seems to accept responsibility for its maintenance”.

At the same time, users along the footpath were asked to sign a petition to make long term improvements to it, so that it is more secure and wide enough for both walkers and cyclists.

Stewart Palmer, chairman of the DTAG, said: “If the town is serious about encouraging walking and cycling instead of using cars, we have to have good quality safe routes for walkers and cyclists.

“So come on local businesses, Network Rail, Duchy of Cornwall and councils, let’s have a plan to make a small but much-needed improvement.”

Dorset Echo: DTAG secretary Giles Watts and Dorchester Town Councillor Robin Potter clearing vegetation. (Photo Stewart Palmer)DTAG secretary Giles Watts and Dorchester Town Councillor Robin Potter clearing vegetation. (Photo Stewart Palmer) (Image: Stewart Palmer)

The DTAG was set up in early 2022 with the purpose of finding solutions to near term transport problems and investigate options for moving Dorchester towards a low-carbon transport system. 

Currently it has around 45 active members including local people, town councillors and councillors from surrounding parishes.

It is part of a network of  six transport action groups (TAGs) which now cover most of the Dorset Council area.

All the TAGs are supported by Dorset Council and the DTAG is also supported by Dorchester Town Council.