VOLUNTEERS who helped out at a charity that closed down are being asked if they would like to get involved again.

The news that Home-Start West Dorset, which supported families in the area, was forced to close its doors after 15 years was greeted with universal dismay.

The charity closed its office in Kings Road, Dorchester and staff were issued with redundancy letters.

But as reported, Home-Start branch Home-Start Wessex has agreed to extend its reach, taking on families and volunteers from the area.

Also extending its reach is Home-Start Blackmore Vale.

The charity is now looking for more volunteers to help it continue its vital work.

Kathy Fryatt-Banks, CEO of Home-Start Wessex, says 'more and more' Dorset families are struggling to cope. 

She said: “Our services are more in demand than ever.

“So we were lucky that there are some extremely dedicated volunteers in West Dorset who are determined to carry on their vital work supporting families. When they reached out to us, we knew we had to step in to enable this to happen.

“Now that the future of Home-Start is once again secure in West Dorset, we’re hoping to hear from either current or previous volunteers who would like to get involved again.

“Training will also be provided for new volunteers who’d like to join the team. 

“The current climate means it has become incredibly difficult to secure funding grants, driven by the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis.

“Yet more and more families are struggling to cope, with rises in domestic violence, families forced into homelessness and suffering mental breakdowns.

“In Home-Start Wessex, for instance, 85% of the families we support are experiencing some form of mental health issue."

Since Home-Start began 50 years ago, it has helped more than 1.5 million families across the UK.

After completing their training, volunteers commit to 2-3 hours each week to work with a family, where their expert advice, kindness and care has been proved to help transform the lives of parents and their children.

Chantal Sykes has worked as a volunteer in West Dorset for four years.

"I was devastated when I heard we were closing," she says. "I know how important the work we do is, and that there are so many families in the county who desperately need our help."

A weekly visit can make all the difference to new parents, who might be feeling completely unable to cope.

Chantal added: "It’s also humbling, as a volunteer, to see the resilience many parents show, and the constant love they give their children, despite how tough life can be.

“Meaning that as volunteers, we also get a lot from the work we do. So I’m thrilled that, thanks to Home-Start Wessex and Blackmore Vale, our work can now continue.’

For more information on getting help as a family, or becoming a volunteer, please contact michelle@homestartwessex.org.uk. Find out more at www.homestartwessex.org.uk