A TEENAGER is cutting off her hair to raise money for charity in memory of her nan.

Tiffany Carter, 13, from Owermoigne, will be cutting 13 inches off her hair in a bid to raise £200 for Cancer Research UK.

She'll be saying goodbye to her long locks on Friday, December 15.

The charity is the world's largest independent cancer research organisation and is close to the family's hearts as Tiffany’s nan, Mandy Carter, passed away from cancer in December 2015.

Her mother Shelley Carter said: “Tiffany was 6-years-old at the time so didn’t really understand, we just remember her now as being the brightest star in the sky.”

Dorset Echo:


While she had initial concerns about her daughter's plans to cut her hair due to potential bullying that could arise, Shelley went on to say how she was completely bowled over by her daughter's fierce determination and bravery.

For the family, this became the driving force behind the fundraising campaign.

Shelley said: “I said to her how did you want to raise money and she said 'I want to donate my hair. So for the last few months, it's been an ongoing subject of when can we do this and we decided late December.

"For me, it’s the whole thing of her being brave enough to do it.

"Cancer can cause heartache for people. She wanted to raise awareness and raise money for anyone that needed it in hard times. It was my husband’s mum who passed away, so we were there for her in the hard times. I’m really proud of her, it’s a massive decision.”

They have launched a JustGiving page and have raised £150, only £50 away from their target.

Tiffany hopes to donate her hair to the Little Princess Trust, which uses the hair to make wigs for girls who have lost their hair during cancer treatment.

She wishes to thank everyone for the donations and support she has received so far in her campaign. 

You can donate to Tiffany's page by following this link.