WEATHER experts are predicting a chance of snow for Dorset amid a cold snap at the end of this week.

Temperatures as low as zero degrees are set to hit Dorset on Friday, December 1, and are expected to reach highs of only four degrees.

The Met Office is predicting once today’s rain passes, colder conditions will hit the UK.

Although the initial chance of snow is due to start in northern Scotland tomorrow night and Wednesday, the south of England could be lucky on Friday.

However, the chances of snow in Dorset are still uncertain, depending on the position of low pressure.

A spokesperson for the Met Office said: “An area of low pressure moves eastwards to the south of the UK through Thursday and as this moves out into the north sea on Friday there is a chance of some snow in the south of England, at this stage there is significant uncertainty over the position of the low pressure and therefore if there could be snow or if it will remain drier.”

Two Dorset-based weather forecasters are predicting low chances of snow in the area, around a 20 per cent chance.

UK Extreme Weather, one of the forecasters, said after today’s ‘mild conditions’, temperatures will struggle to get above five degrees for the rest of the week.

He added that his confidence is low for snow and is unsure whether temperatures will be low enough.

Although frost is predicted to return overnight, he believes snow or settling impactful snow is not likely.

Dorset’s Weather Spotter said there is a possibility of a ‘few light showers’ of snow on Friday morning but that it could miss the UK altogether.