There are still a few tickets left for Dorchester Drama’s adaptation of the classic gothic farce Arsenic and Old Lace.

The show, which stars several well-known Dorchester Drama and community play stalwarts, is at Dorchester Arts on November 24 and 25, and promises to be a brilliant way of brightening the late November gloom.

Written by Joseph Kesselring and best known as the 1944 film starring Cary Grant, Priscilla Lane and Peter Lorre, it is the tale of seemingly sweet and innocent spinster sisters Abby and Martha Brewster, their nephews Teddy and Mortimer and the latter’s love for the aunts’ neighbour Elaine.

But this is a seriously dysfunctional family and nothing is as it seems.

The aunts have an unusual way of ‘helping’ the neighbourhood’s elderly gentlemen, Teddy believes he is Theodore Roosevelt and is trying to dig the Panama Canal in the cellar and the arrival of the third, psychopathic nephew Jonathan throws everything into disarray.

Things go further awry when Mortimer discovers something untoward beneath the lid of a windowseat, jeopardising the plans he and Elaine had drawn up for a blissful future together.

The greatest double act in the performance are sisters Abby and Martha, played by Barbara Proctor and Dee Thorne.

They mix a sweet ‘innocence’ with a careless acknowledgement of their crimes, believing that what they do is the best thing for society.

The roles of Mortimer and Elaine are played by Sam Kelly and Eve Staddon.

Sean Colledge, who has been in Dorchester Drama for several years, plays sociopathic Jonathan.

He said: “Basically I play someone who has been travelling the world killing people but has come home to hide out - and it’s great fun!

“I haven’t played a villain before so it’s really good being the antagonist for a change”

He added that the play has something everyone will enjoy, from hard comedy to suspense, and added that although it’s quite fast-paced it is easy to follow.

Play director Ollie Hickey said: “It’s going to be a great night out, a perfect and very funny way to lift a dark autumn evening - even if the subject matter is a bit dark at times!

“The play is coming together really well, the cast are learning their lines and becoming the characters they play. I'm really pleased with how it’s going and confident it’ll be another success for Dorchester Drama.”

Arsenic and Old Lace is at Dorchester Arts, Corn Exchange, High East Street, Dorchester at 7.30pm on Friday, November 24 and 2.30pm and 7.30pm on Saturday, November 25.

Tickets are £12 from the box office on 01305 266926 or online at