The final talk of the Friends of Weymouth Museum's 2023 Autumn Programme is to be held next week.

Find out more about Local History through Postcards on the afternoon of Monday, November 20.

It will be given by Antiques Roadshow expert and writer, lecturer, curator, broadcaster and Weymouth resident Paul Atterbury. 

Postcards emerged as communication and instant history at the start of the 20th century. A century or so later they represent moments frozen in time, and so are widely collected.

Living in the small village of Eype, Paul became aware that over 200 postcards had been produced featuring different views of that village, and so he published a book about them, as well a village history.

West Bay and Abbotsbury followed. More were planned but somehow never happened.

The talk will be held in Hope United Reformed Church at 8 Trinity Street, Weymouth.

Tea and biscuits will be served from 2pm and the talk will begin at 2.30pm.

Tickets will be available on the door and are £2 for members of the Friends and £3 for visitors. (Exact change would be appreciated, if possible).