Inquisitive students from a Dorset college got the chance to quiz three MPs on the future of farming.

Kingston Maurward College near Dorchester held the meeting, which also looked at the importance of land-based education, as well as the ways in which the needs of food security and environmental sustainability can work together.

Hosting the National Farmers Union (NFU), students and members were joined by Farming Minister Mark Spencer, and local MPs, Richard Drax, MP for South Dorset and Chris Loder, MP for West Dorset.  

Students were given a platform alongside members of the NFU to ask questions to the minister and MPs about issues that matter to them. 

Principal Luke Rake said: “The landscape and rural resilience of Dorset is dependent on good land management.

“Everyone is dependent on sustainable food production. It is a testament to the importance of these matters within Dorset’s countryside that the minister was happy to attend a meeting convened by NFU to talk through the challenges farmers face,” he added.

The principal went on to say that it was good to see students take the opportunity to question the minister alongside local farmers in ‘robust debate’ as well as hearing his support and positive approach in developing ‘all-types of skills’ across the county.