A ‘talented and skilled’ music teacher who travelled the world as a guitarist was found unconscious at his home after a decline in his mental health, an inquest heard.

Michael Daniel Hulmes, 48, was found unconscious in bed by his partner who thought he was having a lie-in.

An inquest held at Bournemouth Town Hall on October 26 heard that Michael was a skilled musician who performed on the BBC and ITV before becoming a music teacher at Bryanston School.

His partner, Catherine John, said in a statement to Bournemouth Coroners Court that he was a ‘cherished uncle and godfather’ who was ‘an essential part of their lives’.

“We have shared so much joy and laughter,” said Catherine.

“His kindness was humbling which was shown through the tributes from colleagues and friends.”

Area coroner for Dorset, Brendan Allen, told the court that on February 14, Michael submitted a mental health questionnaire to his GP practice, Shaw Medical.

He stated that he was experiencing suicidal thoughts, anxiety and feared having ‘another bad night’.

Michael was then given a telephone appointment with his GP, where he said he was unable to sleep, felt shaky, unwell and had thoughts of ending his life.

He added that his wife was very supportive and that if he could improve his sleep, he would feel better.

His GP said Michael had told him ‘he felt safe’ and they discussed accessing helplines and support from family and friends, along with medication to help his mental health.

On February 18, Catherine said Michael had a stomach bug, so the pair watched TV together before he went to bed. Michael, who was a type 1 diabetic, later came back downstairs to take his overnight medication.

Catherine recalled waking up in the night to use the bathroom and heard Michael snoring in his sleep, which reassured her.

She woke the next morning and told her friend Michael was having a lie-in, however, later she heard his snoring change and saw empty blister packets in the bedroom, which made her call 999.

Dr Matthew Taylor, intensive care consultant at Poole Hospital, told the inquest that on February 19 Michael was found with a ‘very low conscious level which he never recovered from’.

Emergency services took him to Poole Hospital where he was assessed for three days and was found to have suffered a ‘catastrophic’ brain injury.

Mr Allen concluded that Michael died from a hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury caused by a suspected overdose of prescribed medication.

He said Michael had been under considerable stress in recent days and had self-administered the medication with the intention to end his life.

The coroner offered his condolences and finalised that Michael died by suicide.