A Dorchester-based charity has announced it will be closing for good.

Home-Start West Dorset is a local independent charity which was set up to give friendship, advice and practical support to families who live in the West Dorset area and who have at least one child under the age of five.

The charity, which has been in operation for 15 years, has announced it will be closing down after being unable to secure sufficient grants to maintain its work.

Staff at the charity have received redundancy letters and their office at the Dorchester Youth and Community Centre on King's Road, Dorchester will be closed.

A spokesperson for the charity said: "It is with great sadness we announce the closure of Home-Start West Dorset As an independent charity, we rely on grants. We are devastated that we have not been able to secure sufficient grants to maintain our work for the long term.

"Our staff have received redundancy letters and we will close our offices on Tuesday, October, 31 2023. The team are currently working with the families and volunteers looking at the best way forward ensuring the safety of the family is maintained.

"For 15 years we have been lucky enough to have trained hundreds of volunteers and help many more hundreds of local families.

"A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us over the years."

The charity supports families who are struggling with post-natal depression, isolation, physical health problems, bereavement and many other issues. It does this by sending a volunteer who will spend around two hours a week in a family’s home supporting them in the ways they need.

News of the closure was met with sadness on social media. One user wrote: "Wow that's so sad. I am shocked as it is so needed."

The charity says it supports 194 children across 94 families using 50 volunteers.

Another wrote: "This is such sad news. I loved my time as a volunteer and it is such a needed service. I feel for all the families with one less place to turn to for help."

Home-Start West Dorset is run by six members of staff from its offices in Dorchester and the organisation is governed and managed by a group of trustees.

It is self-funded and governed but works in partnership with Home-Start UK.