Residents in Weymouth are being asked for feedback on a draft plan that shapes the town’s future in what is described as ‘the most important consultation in a generation’.

The Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of Dorset’s Development Plan and is shaped by comments from residents about the needs of Weymouth.

Approval was given to go out to consultation at Weymouth Town Council’s Full Council meeting last week.

The plan aims to set policies for future development from now until 2038.

The current plans include allocating land for more than 450 affordable homes, making new homes environmentally friendly to help reduce bills and emissions, protecting 48 local green spaces and making sure there are jobs and training opportunities so people can stay local.

Residents are being urged to give their feedback on the plan during a six-week consultation.

This consultation at 12pm on Friday and runs until 5pm on Friday, December 8.

Following this the plan will be updated and submitted to Dorset Council for a final round of consultation and independent examination.

Finally, there will be a public referendum to approve the plan.

The draft plan has been prepared by residents and councillors who make up the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and follows five earlier rounds of public engagement events with local people and technical assessments to support the proposals.

Councillor David Northam, chair of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group, said: “This is the most important consultation in a generation so whatever area of Weymouth you are from, it’s your opportunity to have your say about what’s important in your community.

"People have told us about the shortage of affordable housing, lack of job opportunities, the need to protect our environment and plan for our children’s futures, which is reflected in the plan.

"Let us know what we missed out, what you support in the plan and what you don’t.

“The plan and supporting documents will be available online and in libraries. Over the six- week consultation period there will also be drop-in sessions where residents can ask the Steering Group questions about the plan.

"More details will be announced by Weymouth Town Council.”

Residents and organisations can go to Weymouth Town Council’s website where they will find the pre-submission plan document with all the proposals.

Feedback should be submitted by completing an online questionnaire at by 5pm on Friday December 8.