The red carpet was rolled out in Dorchester for a celebrity football game featuring stars from Love Island and Eastenders. 

The spectacle, hosted at the Avenue Stadium in Dorchester was in aid for babies’ charity Tommy’s, which campaigns to find causes and treatments to save babies’ lives as well as pregnancy and baby loss support.

Overall, the event raised £15,000 for the charity seen by around 1,000 spectators on Saturday, October 21.

Fans got the chance to be up close and personal with an array of celebrities at the game including George Best's son Calum, Eastenders star Dean Gaffney,  and Love Islander Ouzy See.

Organiser Graham Butler said that so far, the ticket sales alone raised £6,000 whilst other fundraisers for the charity brought in £9,000. This included mascot packages for the events. He is still to auction off items including Ouzy See’s towel and more.

The full tally will not be known until all items are sold. 

There was a 10 to 15 minute delay to kick off due to some of the players being stuck in traffic which fundraiser Graham Butler described as ‘chaotic.’

Mr Butler said that the Love Island’s Billy Brown and Ouzy See stole the show on the day in the 10-9 win for Tommy’s All Stars versus Tommy’s Superstars.

“Billy Brown scored from the halfway line whilst Ouzy provided some clinical finishes- they were the standouts,” he said.

Even though Calum Best was injured and could not play a part, he still came down to the event to manage one of the sides and take time out to walk around the stadium and talk to fans.

Dorset Echo:

X-Factor star James Arthur was unable to attend the event due to a personal issue, whilst Jeremy Lynch had a work commitment with Red Bull that meant he was unable to attend the event.

Mr Butler was impressed by the attitude of the celebrities, saying they were ‘down to earth’ as they give up their personal time to attend the Sellebrity Soccer events.

The match day sponsors for the game were Batten solicitors and Dorset Show Homes.

Mr Butler announced that next year the organisers will raise funds for the Lexi May Trust based in Wimborne, and the Cistic Fibrosis Trust.

A spokesperson for Dorchester Football Club said: “It was a great day to showcase the stadium that wouldn’t have been before and we’re looking to host another event in the future.”

Kevin Hooper, Co-Founder of Sellebrity Soccer said: “An incredible day with lots of goals, a really fantastic atmosphere and day all round.”