Residents across Dorset receiving support in their homes have been given a helping hand to reduce the waiting times for care package arrangements.

Care packages are a combination of services unique for a person in social care to help them live their lives easier. 

Dorset Council, in partnership with the Dorset Care Association and Home Care Forum have reduced the waiting time for these care packages to just 4.5 days - compared to 28 days in July.

The optimisation approach already trialled across the county identified the opportuntity for collective optimisation.

Dorset Council developed an interactive map to showcase the demand and requirements of the residents to improve their service.

The project has led to more care hours to be delivered without an increase in operating costs.

It has also provided the ability to make changes to care packages faster, with annual reviews in place to allow for flexibility to ensure the package meets the need of the individual.

It also leads to a simple, faster, brokerage process to reduce administritive demand on providers, ensuring individuals receive the right care in a timely manner.

Cllr Jane Somper, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care, Housing and Health, said the project had provided benefits for residents, providers and the local authority.

She said “The needs of residents are being met quickly and efficiently and the project has cut the risk of late visits, providing people with surety and a greater degree of independence.”

Anna Knight, Dorset Care Association development lead, said she welcomed the project and could see its benefits: “We are highly supportive of this project and the projected and confirmed outcomes that have already been delivered. I have been regularly updated with data and have also been able to understand the approach, the reasoning and the autonomy that it is able to give to providers to make appropriate and safe decisions relating to the delivery of hours to clients.

“This is a really positive and joined up way of working and it is clear that DC and the providers are on a new and improved journey in approaches, listening and involvement.”

Lorraine Maher, Eleanor Care regional manager, said she had been impressed with the project: “’It is a pleasure to be part of such an innovative project with the Dorset council.

“The new and improved system allows for people to receive care and treatment in more timely manner with a more effective brokerage process,” she added.