THE developer behind the latest plans for Newton’s Cove in Weymouth says new proposals for the vacant site are 'carefully costed, considered, and deliverable'.

James Dean from Juno MMXX appeared delighted when Dorset councillors unanimously approved the ‘in principle’ application for 141 homes, 60-bed care home, gym, swimming pool and spa and up to 1,200 square metres of office or light industrial space, together with a 340 square metre restaurant and public open spaces.

Parking for more than 200 cars will be provided on the former QinetiQ Bincleaves site with space for bicycles as well.

The Portland Harbour site was originally expected to be developed in time for the 2012 Olympics and has been vacant since 2006.

Planning consent has been granted to two different schemes in the past, the last in 2016, but both have since lapsed under a three-year time rule.

There have been long-standing public concerns about the extra traffic it could bring to the Boot Hill and Hope Square areas with fears about the effect it will have on the area’s coastline views and the Portland Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Weymouth Green Party councillor Clare Sutton told the area planning committee she was upset that the multi-million scheme had been judged as unable to offer any affordable homes on site – and would only be asked to make a £48,000 contribution to affordable homes elsewhere, a figure she described as “completely inadequate,” whilst it was expected the cheapest flats on the development would cost around £250,000.

Said Cllr Sutton: “Overall, I consider this an over-development of a unique and beautiful location, too many elements remain ‘in outline’, and some seem dubious: for example, the estimation of how many new jobs would be created beyond the construction phase.... the inclusion of new conditions relating to the affordable housing contribution, the Underbarn Walk and a bus service would go some way towards mitigating the adverse impacts and reassuring local residents that some net gains would accrue.”

As part of the planning consent the builders will have to stabilise the 25metre cliffs and add sea defence protection, mainly against wave over-topping.

The developer will also have to provide a waterfront pedestrian and cycle route, public loos and other facilities, all subject to the final, detailed, permission.

Five residential blocks are currently being proposed for the site which, along with other buildings have been scaled back from the last approval scheme - stepping down from six storeys at the north of the site, to four storeys at the breakwater. The proposed care home and townhouses are expected to be three storeys, with a four-storey office/light industrial block in the southern area of the site.

In total 80 of the properties are proposed to be three-bed; 42 one-bed with 11 three-bed apartments and 8 three-bed townhouses set apart, although the final figures may change before detailed planning consent is given, a process which is not expected to be completed before the spring of next year.

Councillors heard that once started the development was likely to take three years to complete.