A young man who found himself homeless has praised a charity for helping him get back on his feet.

Sam, 25, from Weymouth, spoke as the organisation issued an urgent plea for Dorset volunteers.

Dorset Nightstop is a charity which provides temporary accommodation to homeless young people aged 16-25.

Those in need are placed with volunteer host families for up to three nights, while local agencies find a long-term solution.

Sam, who has used the charity, said: "I ended up sleeping rough after a breakdown in my relationship with my family.

"I couldn't have coped being homeless without Nightstop - having a warm bed, hot food, and a safe place to stay gave me time and space to start getting my life together.

"I'm now living independently in temporary accommodation and starting to apply for jobs, and I'm finding joy in things again. There's not a chance I would be where I am now without their support."

Dorset Nightstop offers full training and support to all its volunteers, as well as a reimbursement of expenses associated with carrying out the role.

Volunteers can be from anywhere in the region but need to be over 21-years-old and being able to drive is desirable but not essential.

Vickie Wais, volunteer coordinator at Dorset Nightstop, said: "We had our busiest year in 2022, hosting 21 young people.

"We provided advice, support, and guidance to a total of 93 young people who contacted the service last year, and we're already on track to exceed this in 2023.

"We simply couldn't do this without our amazing volunteers, who provide accommodation, support, transport, and food to the young people staying with them. It really is life changing help for those vulnerable teenagers and young adults."

The charity have explained that the cost-of-living crisis and lack of suitable and available accommodation has meant that they're supporting more young people at risk of homelessness than ever.

The next set of training sessions for new volunteers starts on Wednesday, September 20.

To find out more or to register your interest contact Vickie Wais on 07779 029292 or email dorsetnightstop@actionforchildren.org.uk