Portland residents say they are still at the mercy of loud anti-social behaviour late into the night.

Residents say it is mainly taking place from 11pm outside the Portland Tesco.

At the Portland Council meeting in March, anxious members of the public made their concerns known to Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick, who agreed to take action to tackle the problem saying at the time.

He said: “To me, it is unacceptable that there is a small number of young people who are holding the rest of the community to ransom and I want to sort it."

In particular, this is related to issues at Easton Gardens, just a few minutes walk from Tesco.

One Easton resident has not noticed a difference since the meeting.

He said: "There has still been ASB going on in the area. It normally starts at around 10.30 or 11pm. There is a mix of banging swings screaming and loud music.

"The local police officer is doing all he can but the problem is there's only one of him. We haven't got enough resources.

"The last month has been horrendous, it is just ridiculous."

As part of the effort to tackle the ASB another camera was installed at Easton Garden and the area was added to a regular patrol operation targeting ASB.

Cllr Peter Roper said: "There are some issues in Easton Gardens some weekends late at night and early morning.

"It is noticeable when security is increased with the new camera and police patrols in the evenings it seems to have displaced the young adults causing ASB to Westham and the western side of Tophill.

"There doesn't seem to be a regular occurrence of complaints by the public. The issue we had was with individuals kicking doors and that seems to have died down. Things seem to have been replaced with just loud noise and music in the early hours."

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: "Portland NPT are aware of reports from local residents of a recent increase in Anti Social Behaviour, late in the evening at the front of Tesco, Portland.

"It seems the problems occur, mainly from the store close time (11pm) onwards. As such, local officers will be increasing our night turn patrols of the car park in the coming weeks. We would ask residents to call 101 to report any issues so, if officers are not in the area, they may be dispatched to assist.

"We would also like to remind any riders of scooters, that the Road Traffic Act still applies to Car Parks. Please consider your standard of riding, and how your behaviour may affect others in the area."