DORSET is celebrating as a series of flagship parks in the county retained their Green Flag status.

The Green Flag Award Scheme is run by the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy and recognises quality green spaces across the country.

Greenhill and Sandsfoot Gardens, in Weymouth, Borough Gardens, in Dorchester and Easton Gardens on Portland have retained the flag for this year in what has been a record-breaking year for entries nationally.

Thorncombe Wood Nature Reserve near Dorchester was also featured on the Green Flag list. 

Sites are assessed against 27 different criteria when judged and they must also have a management plan in place.

In addition, the areas will receive unannounced 'mystery shops' with judges checking that the quality of the site is maintained throughout the year.

Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Kate Wheller, said: “I’m absolutely delighted that both Greenhill Gardens and Sandsfoot Gardens have been awarded Green Flag status for another year running.

"They are beautiful places to visit with amazing viewpoints across Weymouth Bay and The Nothe Fort.  

“Congratulations to the team at Weymouth Town Council, especially the greenspaces team for all the hard work they put in everyday to make both gardens such lovely places to be.” 

Dorchester mayor Cllr Alistair Chisholm said: "To receive the award and discover the score was in the highest category possible was fantastic news.

"I visit the gardens myself and see the work that the team here do to try to make them as beautiful as possible.

"I was very pleased to meet and thank them for their efforts and to receive the flag which will be formally raised as part of our free to enter Love Parks Day event.

"We are so lucky to have the gardens centrally located in Dorchester so people can easily access them to take a walk, sit and relax or just enjoy being outside, something many of us learned to really value during lockdown.

"The team have delivered further improvements in the gardens this year with a new flower bed layout, shrub planting and renovation of the fountain steps, all done to their usual high standard."

Cllr Carralyn Parkes, mayor of Portland, said: “I'm so proud to hear of Easton Gardens being awarded their well-deserved Green Flag.

"The Gardens are a gem in the heart of Portland. This award really reflects the work of Easton Community Group, Portland Town Council Green Team, and everyone in our community who contribute towards making Easton Gardens the wonderful place it is.”

Elsewhere in Dorset, Swanage was recognised on the list with two gardens - Beach Gardens and Durlston Country Park. 

Also on the list were Stour Meadows and The Milldown near Blandford, while three green spaces in Gillingham - The Lodden, The Shreen and The Stour open spaces - made the final list.